Search by Image
Reverse Image Search let you search images via Google Image Search and Bing Image Search.

for life experience

Applifex is a leading mobile development company which creates apps for App Store and Google Play. Currently, Applifex belongs to a group of companies with more than 50 million downloads worldwide and 5 million active users per month.

We trust on to make life better creating an easier and exciting world by innovating and technology.

Our mobile device users are enjoying high-quality contents and sophisticated functions accessible. Our contents are very diverse as photo editing applications, search engines for images or tracking flights in real time.


Why Applifex


Our mission is offer the bests applications to make life easier to travelers, students, business professionals and employers.

Availability Our solutions extend the usability of mobile devices across platforms, allowing for enhanced desktop-grade productivity regardless of location.
Team We have a multidisciplinary team focused on the quality and creativity of all our applications.
Focused We understand the needs and we invest in what people like. We don’t merely accept innovation, we thrive off of it!.

Send us a message


Come meet us

Applifex, S.L
AV,Canovas del Castillo 6, Malaga, 29016, SPAIN
Tel: (+34) 644738245

E-mail: [email protected]